About Us
Research shows that nature has a profound positive impact on mental, emotional and physical health, and studies also link volunteering to improved self esteem, stress reduction, lower blood pressure and a strong sense of belonging.
And yet, on May 2, 2023,The United States Surgeon General declared loneliness to be an epidemic.
Leonardo da Vinci once said, "Nature is the source of all true knowledge", and Yieldcamp couldn't agree more.
Yieldcamp is committed to promoting and providing innovative and impactful ways to connect to, immerse in and extract holistic benefits from the natural world. We have wide-ranging educational, professional and recreational programs and activities created to empower, inform, instruct and entertain participants of all ages. We do this through Creation Informed Care - evidence-based Nature Informed Therapy and environmental conservation best practices infused with stewardship, environmental education and nature interpretation through the lens of biblical scripture and the teachings of Jesus Christ.
So whether alone, as a couple, with family, vacationing with friends or facilitating an event for your corporation, organization or wellness group, we look forward to see you at one of our or many events of providing your time with a memorable experience.
Yieldcamp, Ltd. is a 501(c)3 tax exempt private foundation
EIN# 92-2193434